Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Interview with Vampire Author Christina Martine!

My Interview with Vampire Author Christina Martine

Q: How long does it typically take you to write a book?

A: That depends on how much effort I’m willing to put into a project! Cat the Vamp took me around three years to complete because I wrote off and on, sort of as a hobby. With the next book I’m working on-which is going to be a sequel to my first novel-I’m going to try to complete it in a much shorter span of time. Now, for me, writing isn’t so much a hobby; it’s my life. I take my craft seriously and I’m putting my everything into my next novel. I’m always thinking of my book, the plot and the characters. It’s going to be a lot more detailed and realistic. I want readers to really connect with the characters this time around.

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